June is Pride month. As some queer anarchists at Crimethinc have said: “Stonewall [Pride] was a violent, leaderless, multiracial, joyous and youthful anti-police riot” spearheaded by BIPOC trans women. For Pride, we have decided to discuss two queer readings.
These readings are (linked) Queers Read This (1990), an essay from Queer Nation distributed as radical pamphlets at Pride events arguing queerness as inherently political and confrontational to cishet hegemonic state authority, and Female Socialization is a Transphobic Myth (2021) by Devon Price Ph.D., which argues against the transphobic talking point.
Edit: Some folks are reporting a paywall on Female Socialization is a Transphobic Myth. Here is a rich text format copy below if you’re unable to access Medium.
Female Socialization is a Transphobic Myth
As always, we are meeting at Camas Books, 2620 Quadra Street, on Lekwungen Territory. The next meeting is Sunday June 25 @ 6:30PM.