A Conversation with anarcho-Indigenous Sovereigntist, Mel Bazil
Saturday, Jan. 19: doors, 6:30 PM; talk, 7 PM. David Lam Auditorium, room A144, McLaurin Building, University of Victoria
Unceded territories of the Lekwungen-speaking Songhees and Esquimalt peoples and the SENĆOŦEN-speaking W̱SÁNEĆ peoples
Indigeneity, Decolonization, ReIndigenization, and Anarchism
Join with Mel Bazil to explore the long-term relationships that we can forge for the sake of real relations with Indigenous peoples and their struggles. Mel was born to Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en origins. He is a father, a counselor, community leader, and is participating in Nation building on his home territories. Anarchy, Indigeneity, Decolonization and Re-Indigenization have served Mel well.
Mel is also a supporter of the Unis’tot’en Action Camp (ongoing since 2009). The camp asserts Wet’suwet’en sovereignty over unceded territories. It enforces a ‘Free and prior informed consent protocol’ to ensure only those who support Wet’suwet’en interests are allowed access.

Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs statement regarding the recent RCMP assault – THIS IS NOT OVER
Presented by the Victoria Anarchist Reading Circle