Resistance is a process that pushes to understand how to unravel social dynamics and tensions, in the hope that from such an act would emerge meaningful solutions. Art, as a mean of expression, can speak and address such tensions.
For our next reading circle, we will be reading and discussing the following two writings:
> Pedagogical Subversion: The “Un-American” Graphics of Kevin Pyle, by Allan Antliff. Allan explores the work of Kevin Pyle, an illustrator whose work highlights the many social issues in the United-States. The writing discusses how Art can be used to unravel some of the state’s ideological tools and motivations, including the prison and the legal systems.
Link to the PDF
> Accomplices Not Allies, from Indigenous Action, is an indigenous perspective on the “ally industrial complex”, which stems from the “institutionalization” of allyship and its steering away from meaningful support.
Link to the PDF
Although we are no longer physically meeting as a group, we still operate on occupied, unceded Lekwungen territory. Our next meeting will be held on our private Jitsi server on Tuesday, July 28th at 7pm PST.
Jitsi is open-source software that is fully encrypted end-to-end, and which does not track your IP address. In the time when it seems like everyone’s falling for the most insecure communications platforms motivated solely to collect, sell and trade in your data, we created our own Jitsi instance as an infrastructural countermeasure.
If you are interested in participating in this week’s reading circle, please contact varc[at]victoriaanarchistreadingcircle.ca introducing yourself to confirm your place in the shadow-cabinet list and obtain access to the meeting.