VARC Facilitation Guide V1.1
A facilitator’s overall role is to ensure that everyone is heard, that good process is used to ensure quality of conversation, and that there are takeaways for anarchist praxis.
Facilitation Procedure:
The two facilitators wear many hats as a result of being a steward of the process. A facilitator assumes all primary roles, and a co-facilitator is there to help fill in any cracks.
- Land acknowledgement – Recognize VARC takes place on unceded Lekwungen territory. Re-assert responsibility, alignment, and commitment to Indigenous sovereignty. Connect it to the reading whenever possible.
- Recite Communication Agreement
- We agree to respectfully take turns talking and avoid interrupting others. That said, being excited is okay!
- We agree to have a facilitator to ensure the inclusion of all participants and encourage the conversation remains on topic. This role will be rotating; we also pay attention to the discussion dynamics and facilitate ourselves.
- We agree to read the texts we collectively decide to discuss. We aim to create an environment for learning and formulating tangible ideas addressed by the authors we chose.
- We agree to review and adapt this communication agreement as necessary.
- Prompt a Check-in – Good relationship maintenance is key to building momentum. In a circle, quickly introduce names, pronouns, general feelings of the day.
- Identify the two-facilitators and set a container – "I am ____, my role as facilitator today and ___'s role as co-facilitator today is just to set a container for our discussion, please keep the discussion on-topic to what we all agreed to read, we will be going around for the first round and then popcorn style afterwards, etc." (obviously, one discussion style may suit another better at a given time, it is up to you as a facilitator to decide this.) Remind folks that we usually go out for socials after VARC and can have more open off-topic discussions afterwards.
- Identify Access Needs – Ask if there are any access needs that can be met to make the discussion easier to participate in. Notify everyone of the masks, air filter, bathroom, water, cups, and garbage outside.
- Request help for these roles and fill them:
- Keeper of the Stack – Track who wants to talk by raising their hand with pen and paper, and initiate whose turn it is to talk.
- Keeper of the Heart – Maintains awareness of participants’ levels of emotional, mental, and physical needs throughout the meeting/conversation.
- Keeper of the Time – Every once in a while, check the time, and set a finishing warning 30 minutes prior (8PM) so that around 8:10 a new selection may be prompted.
- Keep the meeting on track – Keep discussion within relevant context of the reading(s).
- Prompt Decision Time – Choose (a) new reading(s). Ensure that once a decision is made, a dissemination method for it to go on the website has also been planned.
- Signal / Email – Offer to add new members to the Signal chat or reminder email list.
- Clean up – Request help tidying up, picking up any garbage, and arranging furniture for Camas to reopen tomorrow morning. We should be leaving Camas better than we found it. Ask experienced VARC-goers to show new VARC-goers where things should be rearranged.
- Initiate socials after VARC – Remind folks we usually go out after, and encourage them to come have fun with us.