Tag: Dreaming the Dark
Aug 27: Starhawk, Dreaming the Dark, Chpt 1
This week, the circle decided to read a chapter from the acclaimed anarcha-femininst and witch, Starhawk. Starhawk is founder of the Reclaiming Tradition of witchcraft, which combines magickal practices with social and ecological activism, communialism, as well as sustainable land-based reclaiming techniques, such as permaculture gardening, and so on.
On Tuesday August 27th, we will be reading Starhawk’s first chapter from the 1990 edition of Dreaming the Dark. This is where she explains the difference between ‘power-over’ and ‘power-from-within.’ The reading has been scanned (and you will be able to read all my notations!) and is available below.
As per usual, we are meeting at Camas Books and Infoshop, on unceded Lekwungen Territory, 2620 Quadra Street. The doors will be open at 6:50pm, with the discussion beginning at 7pm.